Rapley Weaning .com

Baby-led Weaning: The fuss-free way to introduce solid foods

Baby-Led Weaning: Helping your baby to love good food
Gill Rapley Tracey Murkett

Q & A and useful info

This page is where I post answers to common questions, as well as other bits of useful information. The most recent post is at the top.

Please note that I’m not in a position to offer advice for individual babies, so all of these posts are a general discussion of that topic. If your baby has, or may have, a condition or illness that requires a different approach, be sure to follow the recommendations of the health professionals who know you both.


Sitting upright

Challenging behaviour #2 - unhappy in high chair

My baby isn't a good eater

How early is too early?

Challenging behaviour #1 - throwing food

Breastmilk vs. solids

Defining BLW

Response to 2016 NZ study

Useful references for BLW


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Site created by Phil Rapley
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